Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Moms have feelings too!

I started this post a few weeks ago and only got as far as the title.  I was clearly having a mom moment.

One of those moments when your kids seem to forget that we have feelings, feelings that get hurt too.  I saw a post on Facebook today that pretty much summed it up...

1. And you still do. Actually more now. The very first time I cried from a mixture of fear and excitement. I don't recall crying in labor but I know some do and I don't blame them. I do remember crying from sleep deprivation. I cried when you got your shots. I cried when your bus left for kindergarten. I cried when your friends were mean to you. I cried when you won league in water polo and went crazy with your team. I cried during your cheer performances. I cried during every Primary program. I cried when you'd call me late at night for a no questions asked ride home. I cried when you spent 4 days in "juvy". I cried when you moved in with your dad. I cried just the other day when I got your text saying "I love you mom and hope you are having a good day."

2. And because I'm not always selfless sometimes I took that piece of pie. But more often I gave it to you.

3. It really did. But it was worth it.

4. Always. I still am. Mostly afraid I'm going to mess it all up. I don't have an instruction book.

5. Farrrr from it.

6. Sometimes even stole a kiss. I still do when I'm lucky enough to have you fall asleep in my bed.

7. Yep.

8. Even worse now.

9. Try to.

10. Yep.

To wrap this up I have something to say about motivation. I am entering a phase of motherhood that is super hard. Really, really, hard. I was recently asked by a mother of 2 year old twins what I felt was the toughest age. My answer to her was whatever age you are in at the moment. And I still feel that was a good answer. But this late teens/early twenties thing is rough. Apparently I "meddle" and "interfere". I watch Dr. Phil sometimes and I don't think my kids have any idea what those words really mean. But my closing thoughts are this... whenever you may feel like your parents are meddling or interfering stop for a moment and consider their motivation. Lets say they are suggesting or encouraging you to maybe choose something as a major. Why do you think they would do that? What's in it for them? Do you think they get some kind of bonus from the school if you choose that major? Do you think the dean will buy them donuts or something? It's much more likely that they have some life perspective and maybe they love you and want what's best for you!!!  Seriously. It's not rocket science kiddos.  Why do you all (and I suffered from it as well) think that you are sooo different and the adults in your life just don't get it?  Even if that were the case... let's go back to their motivation. Why would they even care? 

Ok... stepping off my soapbox. I need to go eat some dinner.