Monday, December 2, 2013

I just found this unpublished blog from a few weeks ago.  I'm in a very different mind-frame today so I will just publish it as is.

It's been a rough month or so.'s been a rough 6 years or so.  But it's my nature (thank goodness) to let the positives rise to the top. So let's start with those... (not in any special order)

I'm alive.
I'm pretty healthy.
My children are healthy, happy, and thriving.
My grandbabies are healthy, happy, and thriving.
David is alive & sober. (169 days!)
We all have a warm roof over our heads and food in our bellies.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

There are more but... excuse me and allow me to wallow a bit.

I got fired. (OUCH!)
My relationship with my oldest child is strained.
It would take a miracle to get all my children into the same room for an hour let alone regularly.
My husband and I are separated and have certainly had more bad days than good ones.

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