Monday, December 2, 2013

Must get better at blogging!

Man my life is crazy. And I am married to a man that seems like someone I should kick to the curb. The irony is that he makes me happier- even at his worst- than my first husband did. Well, perhaps happy is not an accurate adjective. He makes me feel safer and more loved than I felt during my other marriage. Yet, on the outside, we looked like the perfect couple.

The main thing on my mind right now is that I really am madly in love with David. Not sure I feel like blogging about this right now (which means it may never happen considering my blogging history) but David is currently in jail. Not prison, "just" jail. And I am still shocked that I even know the difference.  Anyway... I visited him tonight. And despite all the frustration, and downright anger I feel towards him at times... my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. All I could think about is "Dang! I love this man!".

I don't know if things will work out because I have to be realistic. But in the past several days as I have had lots of thinking time, the thing I realized is that I WANT things to work. I WANT to spend my life with David.  So to everyone that tells me how crazy I am... please know that I hear you. I process every word that is said. And I feel so incredibly loved by everyone that is being protective.  Please try to understand that what you see on the outside may not be indicative of what is on the inside.  And I am talking about David himself as well as our relationship.

I love my family and friends. My FAVORITE is spending time with them. (I could add A LOT more photos but these are the ones that are handy)  :)

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