Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"Hang In There"

Sometimes life just sucks. And the holidays can magnify any grief, anxiety, loss, sadness, etc. a person might be going through.

So don't let the title of this blog fool you- I'm not here to say "Hang In There" to those of us in the bah humbug group.  Quite the opposite. I'm here to politely explain that if one more person tells me to "Hang In There" I might just punch them.

Don't get me wrong. I've get it. I know it's really tough to know what to say when someone is sad. So let me help you out. You actually don't have to say anything at all. We are humans. And part of the human experience is pain and sadness. We've gone through divorces. And loss of loved ones. And financial struggles. And so on.  So we don't all have those wonderful photos of our family all together in their matching jammie pants to post to Facebook and Instagram. 

Does this mean I don't want you to share your happy times with me? Not at all. When I don't feel like I want to see those things I know how to keep myself off of social media. But it does mean that when you ask how my holidays have been and I force a smile and say "hmmm... not so great", please just nod, I personally appreciate a "yeah things suck sometimes", and I am even cool with a hug. But please... please... no more...

"Hang In There"

PS- I've chosen to keep this about the holiday feelings and events in general but I assure you I am aware of and believe in the true reason for Christmas. That is another lecture I do not need. My faith has gotten me through some dark moments and will continue to do so. 

PSS- Chill out. I am ok. This is somewhat tongue in cheek. Somewhat. And I guarantee you I am not the only person that feels this way.

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