Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Me" day

I spent the day at the zoo.  It was nice.  It was some good alone time to think.  Some things on my mind these days (in no particular order)-

My relationship with David. Has there been too much damage to fix it? The next relationship I have will be the last. I can't stand another end. So this has to be for good.

O M G... Sara is graduating in a few months. GRADUATING.

Molly hates me. She is in a place where all she remembers is every bad thing I've ever done. So we don't talk. And I don't see her. Or her babies. My heart physically aches. Period. And I have no idea what to do.

My job is fun. And I would be extremely excited about it. But I am scared to death. I was hired to replace someone that "wasn't working out". The pressure is enormous.

I should go to the Temple more often. For that matter my whole life needs some structure. But back to the Temple. When I went last week and pondered fervently on these issues that weigh on my heart the answer I got? Work on YOU Shelly. Be the best you you can be and the good will come. 

And now for my favorite. My favorite animal(s) at the zoo, Sea World, wherever I can find them. My kids claim I sit and watch them for "hours" so today I timed myself. 47 minutes watching the polar bear.

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